Sunday 3 October 2010

You know something I will never understand?

Crap friends. You know those people that you look back upon and think 'how could I have been so wrong?' Well this weekend I have had the pleasure of experiencing and spectating the effects of rubbish friends on two occasions.
   On this first occasion I was sort of ambushed. Usually I am one to suck it up and pretend like nothing has happened  towards a certain person - especially if it's for the sake of someone I care for - but on this occasion I stood my ground, and by-golly-gee-whizz I felt good about it. I mean I know they say, "You should show respect even if you don't like someone." Well I say, "Why respect a disrespectful person?" I encountered one of those "friends" who at one sight of them instantly reminds you what they've done to get in your bad books and sets you off in one of those "moods".
   Well as I was saying, I was ambushed... Ambushed with a hug. A hug that I courageously declined (probably in the rudest fashion) and felt damn good about! And in that moment I retold myself - why? I don't know because I still believe I was right - "Bethan, this is the right thing to do. This "friend" has crossed the line too many times, and they don't deserve your friendship."
   Now this second occasion I witnessed something between friends that I've never seen before that unsettled me slightly. I saw two friends trying to play each other off of another friend. Now isn't that terrible? Three best friends at that. You see being a spectator of this it was great to watch the person in the middle stand up for themselves and fight their corner like Ali in a heavy-weight final. And do you know why? Because it payed off. And I got to witness the magical moment. And I got to hear the apology. And I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
   So the main moral to this blog/rant is that when friends don't treat you how they should, stand up for yourself! Don't let them win! And in the end you'll be the one with a feeling of triumph and you'll be the one receiving the apology. And if you don't get an apology maybe your friend needs to go and fist themselves. :D

Bethan Tamsin - A girl with a voice

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