Sunday 24 October 2010

Live your life to the fullest

It's strange. Everyone knows that death is inevitable. We all know that it's going to happen. However, death still remains as one of the most predictable things in the universe, all the while being equally unpredictable.
   It's unfair really. There are people walking around drunk and drugged up who think that fruit and vegetables are something only found in a fairytale, and then there are those who are happy and healthy whose tickers are tick-tocking perfectly and then out of the blue they're gone. Just like that. And you don't even get a chance to say goodbye.
   This is probably why people say you should live your life to the fullest. Say yes to everything and regret nothing. Despite the fact that this is true, there's always going to be those people who'll say, "How can we live each day to the fullest if we're forced to do things like go to school/work etc.?" Well I believe that these people are rather narrow-minded. Living life to the fullest isn't going out to hardcore parties or going base jumping off the Empire State. Whether it be working your hardest to create as many opportunities as you can for yourself, or telling the person you love that you wouldn't be anything without them, you're still living your life to the fullest. Living life means different things to different people, it's just your decision what it means to you. Work it out and do it!
   I am a firm believer in when it's your time to go, it's your time to go. I know that some people may find that hard to comes to terms with especially if it's the death of a child or a death that seems utterly untimely but I simply believe that if it wasn't time for that person to go then something different would have happened in the events leading up to it. They do say the lord works in mysterious ways... Nevertheless, I also believe that everyone's lives should be celebrated. And that's also another reason why people should live their lives to the fullest. Not only for yourself - but for them.

Bethan Tamsin - A girl with a voice

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